Duct and Furnace Maintenance: Why You Should Clean Your HVAC System Before Winter

With winter fast approaching, most people are thinking about colder temperatures, the Christmas holidays, and the novelty of a new year. The last thing on anyone’s mind is the upkeep of their HVAC system. However, this is an important component of your home’s functionality, which means it deserves your thought and consideration.

And here at Springs Service and Heating — your Calgary duct cleaners — we want your home’s duct and furnace to be fully operational so that there are no issues this winter season. With that being said, here are 3 reasons why you should have your HVAC system cleaned before winter.

1. Freshens the Air in Your Home

Besides colder temperatures, winter brings with it the proclivity for ailments, illness, and viruses. They don’t call it the “flu season” for nothing. When you have taken the time to hire a professional to clean your ducts and furnace prior to the onset of winter — you will curtail the odds of you or your family getting sick.

This is because many of these infections stem from inhaling dirty air. Congestion, runny nose, sore throat, etc, are just a few common symptoms of inhaling tainted air for too long. And these are problems that can all be circumvented by simply cleaning your ducts.

2. Prevents Winter Allergies

Wintertime offers a lot of awesome benefits; skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing. But it also flares up your allergies from dust mites, mold, even the fur shedding from your pets. Pet dander, as well as dust mites, can have a negative impact on your HVAC system.

Their presence can lead to an accumulation of hair, skin, and fecal matter in the airways of your duct — not exactly ideal for ventilation purposes. And of course, it’s not exactly ideal for your allergies either. Cleaning your ducts can help you to avoid such situations.

3. Makes Your Home More Livable

When the weather is colder, the natural thing for most people is to spend more time indoors. However, if your HVAC system is not properly cleaned, the additional time spent inside can end up being quite detrimental. Allergic reactions will become more frequent and repetitive throughout the winter season because your heating system is being put on overdrive, which results in the recirculation of allergens. Furthermore, dirty ducts will spread dirty air, which doesn’t help at all either. Cleaning your ducts and furnace can alleviate these problems; allowing your home to become more comfortable and cozy, as a result.

Final Thoughts

By cleaning the ducts and furnaces in your home prior to winter, you’re making your home more healthy and livable, not just for yourself, but for your family as well. If you have any questions, Spring’s Servicing and Heating is here to help — get in touch with us today.