No Heat? Emergency Checklist For When Your Furnace Breaks Down

Furnace breakdowns happen – especially in Calgary, where temperatures are guaranteed to reach -40° at least a few times each winter. Facing the sharp cold of winter without a working furnace is a scenario no homeowner wishes to encounter. In such urgent situations, Spring’s Servicing and Heating brings over 50 years of dedicated customer service and expertise to your aid.

Sometimes, a broken down furnace doesn’t always need repair services and can be an easy fix, saving you money. Here’s an emergency checklist before you call for emergency furnace repair in Calgary.

Evaluate the Problem

Is your residence getting colder despite the thermostat settings? Do you hear unusual sounds from your furnace, or has it stopped operating entirely? These are signs of a heating crisis, potentially threatening your well-being and property due to severe cold.

Perform Maintenance Checks

A furnace in good condition is less prone to failure during crucial times. Confirm that you’re up to date with regular upkeep, such as yearly inspections, to prevent unexpected malfunctions and prolong your system’s lifespan.

Immediate Steps to Take

Should your furnace halt heat production:

  • Examine the air filter for blockages that could limit airflow and strain your system. A furnace might shut down to avoid damage in case of insufficient air intake.
  • Check your circuit breakers. Sometimes, a simple reset is all that’s needed.
  • Make sure vents and cold air returns are clear to maintain proper airflow.

If your outdoor exhaust system becomes blocked by snow or ice, causing the furnace to break down, it could cause dangerous carbon monoxide build-up in the home.

Troubleshooting Thermostat Issues

Thermostat problems can disrupt heating. Replace batteries as necessary and use compressed air to remove dust. Allow some time for the system to react after making temperature adjustments.

Seek Professional Help

If the problem persists after these steps, it’s time to consult with professionals. Our experienced team is prepared to provide prompt furnace repair services, restoring the warmth and comfort of your home amidst the cold. We offer 24/7 emergency service for situations like these.

Conserving Heat While You Wait

To keep warm until repairs are made, you can:

  • Focus on staying in one room and keeping the heat there.
  • Block drafts by sealing gaps around doors and windows.
  • Wear layers and utilize blankets for additional warmth.
  • Close off rooms not in use to concentrate heat where needed.
  • Use portable heaters if you have them, but they use a lot of power, so conserve energy and don’t use too many. 
  • Use heating pads or heated blankets.
  • Open your cabinets and try to keep warm air flowing around pipes to prevent them from freezing.

A malfunctioning furnace impacts more than just comfort; it can increase energy costs and pose safety hazards. Spring’s offers more than just repairs—we provide peace of mind with one of the best warranties available.

Furnace Repair in Calgary From Spring’s

For the safety and comfort of your family, trust in our unwavering commitment to quality service at every step. Many homeowners experience a furnace breakdown in the depths of our cold winters. When you’re in a pinch, we’re here to help. With our 24-hour emergency furnace repair service, Spring’s Servicing and Heating will get your furnace back up and running, keeping you warm all winter long.