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Calgary Heat Runs & Ductwork

Heat runs & Ductwork services for Calgary, Cochrane & Surrounding Areas

If you’re adding a new heating or cooling system to your Calgary area home or are dissatisfied with how heat or cold air is currently distributed throughout your home, new duct work or heat runs might be necessary. Spring’s Servicing & Heating has technicians highly qualified in all aspects of home heating. We can assess a home’s current ductwork and heat runs to see where the setup may be lacking. We can also determine where and how new ductwork, returns, and heat runs should be placed.


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You can depend on our expertise in installation

Leave the hard work to us! Your time is valuable and you don’t need to waste any of it worrying about your house’s heating system, nor do you need to stress yourself out calculating how much duct work needs to be purchased or which tools are necessary to install it.

Qualified expertise

Our installation team are red-seal ticketed journeymen with an eye for detail and extensive training. You can trust that your heat run and ductwork job will be done right the first time.

Worry-free installation

Don’t worry about doing any of the hard work. We do this kind of work every day and have the exact tools and know-how to get the work done. Soon, we’ll have the ducts installed, and you can return to enjoying your comfortable home.

Minimized energy loss

When your ductwork doesn’t properly fit your home, your HVAC system has to work harder to do its job. When you choose Spring’s, you don’t have to worry about that, as our team works with great precision to ensure the perfect fit.

Improved comfort

Once your new ductwork has been installed, you will have a properly heated home, improving your overall comfort.

Developing your basement and don’t know where to start?

Call us to get a free quote on heat supply air runs and return air runs! Bringing in a qualified and certified technician from the Spring’s Heating team will ensure you can create more air circulation, creating comfort, no stale air and a more even temperature throughout your basement. You don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a beautiful basement only to discover you won’t be able to enjoy it because you lack heat runs to keep the basement warm and cozy.

We will provide you with:

  • Expert recommendations on exactly where to place the supply air runs and air returns
  • Evaluate your duct work size
  • Changing your ceiling registers to round diffusers for better coverage and more aesthetically pleasing
  • Spring’s will also be able to vent bath fans, range hoods and dryer vents
  • Recommend possible rough in placement for future air conditioning installation


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Frequently Asked Questions

How much heat can ductwork handle?

Normally, hot air ducts can tolerate temperatures up to nearly 300° C (550° F). However, depending on the design of the duct, this range can go as high as 400° C (750° F).

A heat pump is a machine that heats a home or building. The device moves thermal energy from outside, utilizing what is known as a refrigeration cycle. Also, numerous heat pump variations function in the opposing direction, cooling the facility by extracting heat from the encompassed space and expelling it outdoors.

An air source heat pump absorbs heat from the outer confines of a home or building. It then releases it within the building; this process uses the same refrigeration procedure (and similar equipment) as ACs, but it’s utilized in the opposing direction.

Generally speaking, ductwork lasts between 20 to 25 years. However, by 15 years, you will usually notice deterioration in your duct’s functionality and effectiveness. When this occurs, you should not wait or hesitate to replace it.

Oversized ductwork means your HVAC system must work harder to push air through your ducts. As a result, your duct’s efficiency will become compromised, making winters colder and summers hotter. Moreover, you’ll have a higher risk of damaging your AC unit and heating network.

It is recommended that you clean your air ducts at least once every 2 to 3 years. This process will help you avoid many upkeep and health issues. However, if you have pets and children, it would be prudent to have your home duct’s cleaned more frequently than the recommended average.

This depends on the size of your duct and the scope of the job. For example, air duct sealing will typically be between $1,500 to $2,000 for a smaller to medium-sized residence or office job. The larger the house and the more ductwork that must be done, the higher the final price point. More considerable homes or buildings may cost as much as $4,000 for a proper seal.